Imagination billows the light-sails of my soul…
Here the foul streets itch and crawl
And dyslexic venom tattoos the walls.
My universe is a construct of fantastic fable...
Here kids slam down venomous vodka
To shut out a world rife with degenerate dogma.
I visit realms that exist on the cusp of belief…
Here is a world peopled by ghouls
The wise and the just ruléd by fools.
I dream of far-off worlds, of wormholes, of plasma drives…
Here hopes are turned to tears and dust,
Chewed and spat out like an old stale crust
I see heroines brave the strange unknown...
Here staccato women thinned by conceit
Live out the maxim you are who you eat.
I see heroes who stand tall and true…
Here the poor, the weak and the old
Are devoured and consumed by the vicious, the bold
I battle with ray-guns and photon torpedoes…
Here politicians fight tooth and claw
And honesty’s got more holes than a ten-buck whore
My mind travels to parallel universes...
Here I am trapped in a neo-con cage
And prescription-thinking is the new plague
I journey to the never-been-before…
Here the strong dine on broken wills
Crunching the bones until protest is stilled
I will have none of them…
they cannot imprison my imagination.